Course of annual general meeting

Matas A/S
Decisions of general meeting

Course of annual general meeting

Company announcement 4 2017/2018

Alleroed, 2017-06-29 17:55 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Course of the annual
general meeting 

Matas A/S held its annual general meeting on 29 June 2017 at 4:00 p.m. at
Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center. 

Niels Heering, attorney-at-Law, was appointed chairman of the meeting.

At the general meeting, note was taken of the report by the Board of Directors
on the activities of the Company during the 2016/17 financial year, the annual
report for 2016/17 was approved and the Board of Directors and the Executive
Management were discharged from liability. 

The shareholders approved a dividend of DKK 6.30 per share of DKK 2.50 nominal
value as proposed by the Board of Directors. 

The shareholders approved the fees for the Board of Directors and the Chairman
of the Audit Committee for 2017/2018. 

Lars Vinge Frederiksen, Lars Frederiksen, Christian Mariager and Birgitte
Nielsen were re-elected to the Board of Directors. 

Signe Trock Hilstrøm and Mette Maix were new-elected to the Board of Directors.

Ernst & Young Godkendt Revisionspartnerselskab were re-appointed as the
Company’s auditor in accordance with the Audit Committee’s recommendation. 

The shareholders adopted a resolution to reduce the Company’s share capital by
a nominal amount of DKK 2,500,000 by cancellation of 1,000,000 treasury shares
of DKK 2.50 to the effect that the Company’s share capital hereafter amounts to
nominally DKK 95,728,730 and to amend the Articles of Association accordingly
after expiry of the deadline set out in article 192 of the Danish Companies

The shareholders authorised the Board of Directors to let the Company acquire
treasury shares for up to 10% of its share capital in the period until the next
annual general meeting, always provided that the Company's holding of treasury
shares may at no time exceed 10% of its share capital. The purchase price may
not deviate by more than 10% from the price quoted on Nasdaq Copenhagen at the
time of purchase. 

Immediately after the general meeting, the Board of Directors elected Lars
Vinge Frederiksen as Chairman and Lars Frederiksen as Deputy Chairman of the
Board of Directors. 

Matas A/S

Lars Vinge Frederiksen

Chairman of the Board of Directors

For further information:

                Press and Media: 

Anders T. Skole-Sørensen                                                       
       Henrik Engberg Johannsen 

                     Head of Information and Environment 

Phone: +45 48 16 56 04                                                         
         Phone: +45 21 71 24 74