Final transactions under Matas’ Share buyback program

Company announcement no. 29 2021/22
Allerød, 4 January 2022

Final transactions under Matas’ Share buyback program

Matas initiated a share buyback program, as described in Company Announcement No. 9 on 24 August 2021. The share buyback program will have a maximum value of DKK 75m and a maximum number of 850,000 shares, to be executed during the period from 24 August until 31 December 2021 at the latest.

The buyback program was launched in accordance with the announcement to initiate a share buyback in the annual report for 2020/2021 and pursuant to the Board’s authorisation to acquire treasury shares granted by Matas’ Annual General Meeting on 29 June 2021.The share buyback program is structured and carried out in compliance with the provisions of Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament (the Market Abuse Regulation) and the Commission Delegated Regulation No. 2016/1052 (the “Safe Harbour Regulation”).

In the period from 30 August until and including 31 December 2021, the following transactions have been made:

Trading dayNumber of shares Average transaction priceAmount, DKK
89: 27 December 20211,500121.06181,590
90: 28 December 2021743122.5491,047
91: 29 December 20211,288122.25157,458
92: 30 December 2021600123.2173,926
Acc. trading for days 89-924,131122.01504,023
Acc. trading for days 1-92618,001121.36 75,000,596

Following the transactions described above, Matas owned a total of 626,585 Matas shares corresponding to 1.64% of the total number of 38,291,492 Matas shares ultimo 31 December 2021.

The details of each transaction made under the share buyback program are attached and published on


Anders Skole-Sørensen
CFO, tel +45 21 71 24 51