Major shareholder announcement
Matas A/S
Major shareholder announcements
Major shareholder announcement
Company announcement 13/2013
Allerød, 2013-07-05 15:06 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pursuant to section 29 of
the Danish Securities Trading Act, we hereby announce that Matas A/S has been
notified that Capital Income Builder’s (CIB) holding of shares in Matas A/S at
2 July 2013 totals 2,050,000 shares equivalent to 5.027% of the share capital
and 5.027% of the voting rights.
CIB is a mutual fund registered in the United States under the Investment
Company Act of 1940. CIB is the legal owner of the shares in Matas A/S. CIB has
delegated proxy voting authority to its investment adviser, Capital Research
and Management Company, a 100% owned subsidiary of The Capital Group Companies,
Jesper Breitenstein, Investor Relations, tel +45 27 80 76 75
Henrik Engberg Johannsen, Information Manager, tel +45 21 71 24 74