Reporting of transactions in accordance with Section 28a of the Securities Trading Act
Matas A/S
Insiders' dealing
Reporting of transactions in accordance with Section 28a of the Securities
Trading Act
Company announcement 22/2013
Allerød, 2013-08-29 18:36 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Matas A/S hereby notifies of
the following reporting under Section 28a of the Securities Trading Act of
transactions in shares and associated securities of Matas A/S made by
managerial employees and their related parties:
Name Lars Frederiksen
Reason Transaction by Materialisternes Invest ApS and Materialisternes
Invest Holding ApS
(related parties to Lars Frederiksen)
Issuer Matas A/S
ISIN code DK0060497295
Transactio Transfer as a result of an intra-group merger
Designatio Shares
Trade day 29 August 2013
Market NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S
Number 4,817,188
Share DKK 645,503,192
Jesper Breitenstein, Investor Relations, tel +45 27 80 76 75
Henrik Engberg Johannsen, Information Manager, tel +45 21 71 24 74